Articles Archive
2009-12-19, Equalities with Sums of Powers
2009-07-05, My Ubuntu
2009-02-14, Object Oriented Build Management
2007-12-22, What is Balance?
2005-09-27, AJAX Nirvana
2005-04-15, What to Test?
2004-04-25, AOP, Proxy, and Metadata
2003-11-22, Using Unicode
2003-10-19, J2ME and Java Landscape
2003-07-27, Zip Anywhere
2003-06-08, The 'final' trick
2003-04-27, What would be Polymorphism in C ?!
2003-04-06, Scalable Session Management
2003-02-16, Reflecting upon Web Abstraction and URL
2003-02-16, Making design happen
2003-01-07, The Nexus Between Application Design and Management
2002-09-22, XML GUI - Rectangles All The Way
2002-09-10, Against Monolithic Frameworks
2002-08-22, Regular Expressions and Compilers
2002-08-06, Thinking in Threads - 2
2002-08-06, Thinking in Threads - 1
2002-07-28, DBC, Eiffel, and Java
2002-07-21, A night flight to Python
2002-07-06, TATTVUM - 2002 Q3 Reports and Plans
2002-06-30, TJ Ragam - An Overview
2002-06-30, TJ Kolam - An Overview
2002-06-16, Absorbing OOP...
2002-06-16, Engineering Service Architecture
2002-06-09, ATANA - Autonomous Transforming Asynchronous Node Architecture
2002-06-09, Thinking about Architecture
2002-06-02, XPathDMM - XPath Document Memory Model
2002-05-26, Axioms of Software Business - II
2002-05-26, 'Lead, Follow or Get out of the way!'
2002-05-19, Recursion through Combinatorics
2002-05-12, I Love Cocoon!
2002-04-28, Chaos, Fractals and P2P Programming
2002-04-21, What is Open Source Movement?
2002-04-21, Open-Source and We
2002-04-14, Parallelism - The goal of planning
2002-04-14, TATTVUM - Dreams for this quarter and beyond
2002-04-07, Automate: Not at the cost of Freedom
2002-04-07, Launching Now...!
2002-04-07, TATTVUM: Timeline for 2002
2002-03-31, What is OOP?
2002-03-31, Don't grow Trees!
2002-03-24, OOP=E+P
2002-03-24, Basic Design Principle: Loosly Couple
2002-03-24, 'OOP Oversold'?
2002-03-23, Why Calculus? (Volume of Sphere)
2002-03-14, JMX: Through a practical scenario
2002-03-14, Why JMX?
2002-03-11, Axioms of Software Business
2002-03-08, Why JINI?
2002-03-08, Effective IF - A review
2002-03-08, Effective use of 'IF'
2002-03-06, Isn't OOP dead?