Home Page - 2003-01-07
Post date: Nov 29, 2008 3:52:13 AM
The Nexus Between Application Design and Management [Read this article]
What is the Project Manager's role in a successful Software Project? And what is the part of the System Architect? In a two year experiment within my previous employing company we tried to experiment this disturbing dichotomy of roles, and their need. For solace, we tried to imbibe the goals of SW-CMM and some aspects of CMMI, into our day to day thinking. In our quest we also explored the spirit of XP in contrast to RUP. This paper will be analyzing few successful and very non-traditional tactics that we were forced to try. We'll be focusing on 4 interesting practices and concepts. Namely,
'MoU' (Memorandum of Understanding)
'Plug-in Architecture'
'Parallel Development'
'Meritorious Boss'
We understand that these are personal experiences. But it was a conspicuous success, and we don't want to loose it as just common sense. So, while trying to rationalize these, we are thrilled to share the practical benefit of thinking for ourselves, even if plethora of acronyms are roaring around.