Home Page - 2002-06-23
Post date: Nov 29, 2008 3:40:26 AM
PoPP Archive started! [PoPP Archive]
Proof of Principle Prototypes (PoPP) Archive will be available from this week onwards. This is a prelude and the test lab of the upcoming Project Archive. In a way, this is just a polished excuse to produce some really sloppy code ;-). All the same, the intention here is just to concentrate on getting the code out, instead of worrying about backward compatibilities or documentation. Not even waiting for decent coding style.
Obviously, such programs require some basic How to run the demo type of readme file, so we will try to provide that. Exceptions, nasty UI problems, lack of configurability, and of course nil documented help, would be the other name of this archive! But, the Program will run (under suitable conditions) and it will be novel in some sense of that word. Sometimes these PoPPs will expound a new algorithm, or a way of thinking about an API, or a novel application idea, if lucky it might even try out a new architecture. You can use this as a starting point of your own projects, or as code samples.
By the way, we did evaluate many possible scenarios for having a proper copyright notice. But, not having the wherewithal or the knowhow to get enough legal muscle for formally evaluating the pros and cons of these infinitely complex documents, we decided to go simple. It seems, the Berne copyright convention makes any published work automatically copyrighted (I hope India is a member of this convention). Anyway, whatever these legal conventions might be, WE WISH TO SHARE, AND THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO CHANGE IN THAT. Law is only to safeguard against unreasonable claims or intentions. We would like you to use the resources of this site freely, but for legality sake, would very much appreciate a simple email of acknowledgment from us, in case of commercial or public ventures.
Regarding this week's PoPPs, I wanted to write two articles, one on TJ Kolam and another on TJ Ragam, but couldn't find time. Within next few weeks (ideally the coming week) I'll try to put out some good details on these topics.
The deeper goal is to use this archive as the test bed and incubator for the future Projects Archive. Ideally the a mature version of this archive will become the 0.1 version of the upcoming Project Archive. Happy coding!
Download the Article Sample [Download the sample] For easing the article submission and the formatting of it for publication in the TATTVUM site, we encourage you to download this HTML Article sample zip file (~5k). It contains the HTML pre-publication version of a TATTVUM article. You can use this tagging model for your own article, by suitably breaking your article into blocks, and copy pasting it in this sample, before sending it to us. This will greatly simplify our work. This sample is also a reasonably flexible model to streamline your own thinking process.