Home Page - 2002-08-06
Post date: Nov 29, 2008 3:48:1 AM
Thinking in Threads - 1 [Read this article]
Thinking in Threads is a profitable endeavor, if at all you need a reason. Thread is a remarkable abstraction of parallel processing. By training ourselves to use threads properly, we prepare ourselves for the inevitable future boom of parallel processing. What Modularity is for Complexity, Parallelism is for Utilization.
First, what is thread after all? If you consider a top-down program as a flowchart, a thread is just one flowchart, or flow of statements. Multiple threads are just multiple flows. If we already know how to code one flow, we also know to code one hundred of it, if need be. In fact Java makes this flow idea obvious, by abstracting a thread to an interface Runnable which just contain one method, run(). So, programming with threads is after all, programming multiple programs together, or allowing many instance of a given program to run together. What spoils this beautiful picture? The need for communication between threads.
Thinking in Threads - 2 [Read this article]
...this new primitive is far less safe than using the synchronized keyword. Why? Because, if we omit the closing call to allow, the thread sleeps for ever. Java being a highly type safe language, tries to increase the opportunities for the compiler to check for these types of human mistakes. By using a synchronized block, provided by the language itself, the code is structured and hence is safe. This idea is just like say, the while loop. Before it was invented, people used goto to simulate that, with the potential danger of missing the goto, or pointing it to some improper places. By including loops as a basic construct of the language itself, these common mistakes are now compile time checked, and hence are safe.